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Writer's pictureThe Rev. Greg Buffone

When the Call Comes ...

Each of us who've been baptized did so in response to Jesus' call to follow him, to become one of his disciples. In the covenant we recite and affirm at our baptism, and on subsequent occasions, we make specific commitments, one being: "Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?" and we respond, "I will, with God’s help." While the initial call to follow Jesus is a point in time we can typically identify, the call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, comes again and again throughout our life. Sometimes it's clear, on other occasions it's not so obvious, at least in the moment. I love the story recounted to me this week by Anne Hamilton that so powerfully reaffirms the need to remain open to prompting of the Holy Spirit so as not to miss the call when it comes.

"Do you have an assignment or call that you are avoiding? I sure understand! This week the SJD Outreach Committee received a request from our chair, Jennifer Weston, to choose one of our key mission partners and make a call to them. Our assignment was to ask for an update and to set up a prayer time when a group of us would pray. Reluctantly, and with an “ugh” attitude, I decided on Covenant House. Thankfully, Kathy O’Neil reached out and offered to partner with me. We made the call today, and what a blessing it was! Even in that moment it was clear that God was really working through us.

As we listened to the Executive Director of Covenant House, Leslie Bourne, she shared her heart and concerns for "her kids”, and the on-site staff who are doing such a heroic job. ... She expressed thankfulness for our SJD emergency gift that has been used to offset the increased expenses ... Tears flowed as the Holy Spirit prayed through us and encouraged this leader who has been on the front lines with an invisible enemy since January; well before most of us knew that such a virus existed.  She said that she felt strengthened and was ready for what comes next. Leslie finished the call by encouraging Kathy and me, and telling us that we called at just the right time. She reminded us that we all have a part in helping during this time of Corona and what lies beyond; whether, it’s a donation, a prayer, a call from the safety of our homes or all the above! Now, is the perfect time to hear what your part is and just do it!"

This is a beautiful example of listening to the prompting of the Spirit and of obedience. Jennifer Weston discerning and acting on the need to call on the Local Missions Team to reach out in love and concern to our community partners, to listen and to pray for their individual and organizational needs. Of Anne and Kathy hearing the call and responding, and offering themselves to be used by the Holy Spirit to accomplish his purposes. In their responding they, as well as Leslie, were all blessed. God is so good, in that he allows us to participate in his work.

If you're wondering what you can do, take time to sit quietly, clear you mind and open your heart to the Spirit, and patiently listen. Then look at the numerous opportunities around you, some found on the SJD web site under GO, others you've possibly heard about through friends or the local news. And when you discern that one of these options is something you can safely accomplish, just do it! What you choose to do may only bless one person, but for that person it will be a blessing and likely significant encouragement. We are all called, we are all meant to GO into the world to love and serve our neighbor in the name of Christ Jesus. Just do it!

P.S. Thank you Anne for sharing this story. Those of you who read this post, please send me your story to share here as an encouragement to others. Thank you!

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